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Barbara Marie-Louise Pavelka is an all-rounder when it comes to performing arts and the voice, but she has specialised in classical music, i.e. song, opera and oratorio. She also teaches singing and speech technique.

Barbara Marie-Louise Pavelka started her podcast and blog "A Lyrical Singers Life" in April 2018. You can find it here!

Enjoy listening!

There you will be regularly informed about the background of all their projects and you can subscribe to their newsletter!


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Hansel and Gretel - interactive!

My first coloring book about the opera "Hansel and Gretel" is available as print on demand in the Amazon Store!

It's an interactive coloring book. That means there are links to the songs from the opera and the opportunity to color notes, clap rhythms and simply sing the songs along with me using the audio!

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Fit with Voice

The first online course is ready!

The "Fit with Voice - Basic Course 1".

What can you expect from this course?

We will work together on the basics for 13 weeks. This means that you can do breathing sensitization, breathing support and articulation muscle exercises twice a week at your own pace in order to build the basis for speaking and singing .

You can find it here!

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private voice training - group courses

If you want, you can also come to me for private lessons. I give private singing and speech technique lessons. You canfind out more about this here .

From February 2025, I will be offering weekly group courses under "Fit with Voice". Every Tuesday evening, 8 p.m.The location will be announced soon. Please register in advance!

No events at the moment

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